What to do with Radishes and Beets

We recently received some radishes in a fresh produce basket and I have since been trying to decide what to do with them. While I do eat them in salad mixes, I as of yet have not been so impressed with them to eat them as a sandwich. From what I know, or maybe should say knew about them, these were the only two options : raw or in a salad. So I went to the Internet in search of other options. Most of what I found are salads or sandwiches, but there are a couple suggestions for cooking them too. Here are a few of the good ideas I found :

I haven’t tried any of these yet but plan to and will let you know how it goes. A few sites I read said cooking them makes them more like a turnip,which I hope is not true. Recently we decided to try turnips and I really don’t like them at all- smell or taste.

We planted beets this fall as a test for cold frame gardening. Normally though we don’t eat beets. There are different ways to prepare beets, but our goal is to try to get some sugar from them. Having never made sugar beet sugar before I decided to read up on the process now. According to e-how.com the sugar beet type is the only one that can be used for this process, because it contains a high amount of sucrose. Basically the process is to wash, cut, and cook the beets for awhile, like an hour until they are softened. This releases the juice. then the beets are removed and the remaining juice/liquid is cooked until it thickens, then cooled to crystallize. For the complete process, see the links below.

The beets we planted are called dual-purpose which means both the root and the tops can be used. I’m still going to try for some sugar though, just to see what we will get. I have a feeling it wont be much if anything, but hey you never know til you try right 🙂


Making sugar beet sugar
Beet recipes