Hello Again

Hello again to everyone. Time has gotten away from me and it is time to get back on schedule. Planting time is coming closer here in zone 4, but isn’t here yet. For some good news though, the seeds have sprouted in the paper pots! Soon it will be time to harden them off for transplanting into the cold frame.
The weather here has been well…unpredictable. A few days of really nice sweatshirt weather and then its back to freezing wind and frost. The cold frame should protect these little seedlings from the extreme weather and with any luck we’ll be eating fresh peas and lettuce in spring 🙂
Since we didn’t plant a winter garden there isn’t much harvesting going on now, although we have taken a few more cuttings from the herb plants. Otherwise we are left to read the garden/homesteading magazines, plan our summer time planting sites, and catch up on those miscellaneous projects that don’t get done during the summer, because summer will be here before we know it.