Worm Bin- Part 2

It has been a few weeks since we set up our worm bin, so I think it’s time to share our findings so far.


First off, when we received them they didn’t look very well but they have really come alive. We haven’t had any more incidents of worms trying to escape so they must be happy in their new home.

holes in worm bin
Holes in bin

We drilled two rows of holes around both sides of the bin and several on the lid.


worm bedding
Worm bedding

We bought a bag of worm bedding from Walmart just to see what it was like. It was a brick of very finely shredded newspaper and cardboard that was extremely dusty. It required adding several cups of water to get started, and we added food and other shredded newspaper on top. The next day we had to add more dry shredded newspaper to soak up the extra moisture.


Bin contents

This is the top of the bin today.



And when you move away the top layers of paper and cardboard you can see the worms are already making a layer of black castings.

So far so good. We will update after it’s time to put the worms in a new bin. Do you have any experiences with worm bins to share? 🙂

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