GMO News

While perusing the web, Mr Garden4Goodies came across this very interesting article reporting on recent GMO findings by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Apparently there is “a significant fragment of a viral gene” which has been found that “might not be safe for human consumption”.


There is a lot of scientific wording used in this article, which makes it a little hard to read and fully understand, but what I really got from this article is this: 1) this gene is found in over half of the commercialized uses in the United States and 2) while there needs to be more study done to fully understand the consequences of this gene “…the EFSA researchers were unable to rule out a hazard to public health or the environment.” You can read the article to learn more. – Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops


Here are a few other sources reporting this finding:
Slashdot – Hidden Viral Gene

FarmingUk – Hidden Viral Gene

Or just Google “gmo viral gene” 🙂

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