Carrots in February

Yes, we are eating fresh carrots in February. We grew them last year in a raised bed and left them there to keep fresh for the winter. We had some with Thanksgiving and now that the ground has thawed some, can dig more out to enjoy.

A few fresh carrots
A few more carrots

As you can see in the second picture there is an odd-ball there – a parsnip. A few weeks after planting the carrots we didn’t see any sprouts and had been watering consistently. So I decided the seeds must have been bad and decided to try parsnips instead. After a few weeks there were sprouts showing, and after a few more I realized there were both parsnips and carrots growing. 🙂 We let them both grow and are enjoying the mixture.

We had these carrots (and parsnip) with dinner and wow are they tasty! Sweet with tons of flavor. I think if everyone had carrots fresh out of the garden they wouldn’t think twice about eating their vegetables at dinner. 🙂 Enjoying a great tasty meal is definitely a wonderful reason to have a garden.