Spring Seedlings

Spring is here (I hope)! While the snow/moisture in April was needed, I hope we have rain for the next several months, because the seeds are starting to sprout 🙂



Melon and Unknown
Melon and Unknown

Don’t you just feel like smiling seeing all those seedlings coming up? I do. Mother’s Day (May 12) is generally considered to be the last frost day around here making it safe to start planting, though I keep row covers and buckets handy to cover plants in case of any unexpected cold weather. This is Mother Nature we’re working with here. So, in a week or two we will hopefully be doing some major garden planting. Although I’m not sure where we are planting everything yet, we have way more seeds started then garden space to plant in. Mr Garden4Goodies assures me we’ll find places for it all. But enough about us – how is your garden shaping up for the year?

One thought on “Spring Seedlings

  1. Ny seedlings have not done as well as last year. I don’t think I had the grow lights close enough to the plants. Now that it is warmer they are starting to come on & I am going to start planting next week. I don’t usually plant till June 1, but it is warmer this May & no frosts are in the forecast.

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