Regrow Carrot Tops

We have been steadily eating the carrots and parsnips from the raised bed over the winter, but still have some in the ground. Now the weather has been nice enough for them to start growing again. After digging most of them up I found that the big green tops were parsnips, only a few carrots were trying to sprout.

carrots regrowing

I did leave some in the ground: we want to try to collect some seeds this year. However I’ve found another idea on how to collect our seeds – regrow the carrot tops! Just like regrowing romaine lettuce, you can take the carrot tops and keep them growing. Note: You will not get another carrot. Instead, this keeps the top green growing to eventually produce the flowers and seeds, or so thats the idea. So here it goes:

  • Cut the carrot about an inch from the top. You need some of the root to get started.
  • Place rocks (or marbles, etc) in a dish or use a very shallow dish, put your carrot top on top, and fill with water until the water line is just touching the carrot. They need light but not direct sunlight.
  • Keep water at the bottom of the carrot until it has sprouted some nice roots
  • Plant and enjoy!

carrot tops

Sounds so simple right?! I hope it works. We’re trying it with our carrots and will let you know how it all turns out.
Happy Gardening!

Regrow Carrots-Part 2